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Privacy policy

  1. Who we are?
  2. About Data Protection Legislation
  3. Why we collect Information
  4. Visitors to our website
    4.1 What Information do we collect?
    4.2 Cookies
    4.3 Photographs of People on our Website
    4.4 Links to other Websites
    4.5 Keeping your Data Secure
  5. Your Rights
  6. Data Controller and Data Regulator
  7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy tells you what to expect when Big Sky Developments Limited collects your personal data.

1. Who we are?

Big Sky Ventures Limited is the parent company for Big Sky Developments Limited and Big Sky Property Management Limited (‘Big Sky’). Big Sky are companies wholly owned by South Norfolk Council registered at:

Horizon Business Centre
Broadland Business Park
Peachman Way
Norwich  NR7 0WF

Big Sky Living is the trading styles of Big Sky Developments Ltd and Big Sky Property Management Ltd.

2. About Data Protection Legislation

Big Sky complies with all relevant ‘Data Protection Legislation’. Data Protection Legislation means the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and any national implementing laws.

Data Protection Legislation also includes the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 as long as it is in force and thereafter any applicable legislation.

3. Why We Collect Information

Big Sky processes information to enable us to provide a range of goods and services. We lawfully process this information in line with Data Protection Legislation.
Examples of information collected by us include, but are not limited to, details of:
• Residential Tenants – collecting contact information, financial data
• Commercial Tenants – collecting contact information, financial data
• Property purchasers – collecting contact information, financial data

4. Visitors to our website

4.1 What information do we collect?

We will only collect relevant personal information from you. Furthermore, when we collect this data we will detail how long we will retain this data for or the criteria used to make this decision.

4.2 Cookies

Some features on our websites will not function if you do not allow cookies.

Cookies are small text files stored in your browser by most websites to help remember choices you have made, personalise your web experience or provide anonymous statistics that enable website improvement. For example; if you complete an online website survey, it will send a cookie to your computer so that it will not invite you to complete it again on your next visit.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device, and how to manage and delete them, visit the ICO’s website on cookies.

Please be aware that if you disable cookies this will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites, and may prevent you from accessing services available on this website. We do not share cookies with any third party.

Under Data Protection Legislation where a unique identifier, internet protocol address, cookie identifier or other online identifier leaves traces of information, when combined with unique identifiers and other information received by the servers to identity a natural person this is defined as Personal Data. We will lawfully process this Personal Data seeking your consent whereby you can opt out of non-essential cookies.

On first visit the cookie preference management solution will ask you to confirm consent showing essential and non-essential cookies. If you confirm acceptance of these cookies, these will then be saved and available via a link which will always be visible on the page. This will allow you to change your preferences at any time.

4.3 Photographs of people on our website

Before we use photographs where people can be individually identified we ask them to sign a form giving us permission to use it. If it is a photo of anyone under 18 we will get permission from the parent or guardian. We specifically ask for permission to use a photo in promotional publications or videos, in press releases, and on this website. When we ask for permission to use this photograph we will:

  • Tell you what we are doing with your personal data
  • Explain to you what to do if you have any questions or are unhappy about our usage of the data
  • Be clear with you about the safeguards in place to protect your data

We will not publish a photo of anyone on this website unless consent has first been given. The permission is granted for the photo to be used on our website only – we have copyright of the photograph and it must not be copied or used in any way without our permission.

4.4 Links to other websites

Big Sky website contains links to other websites, but this privacy policy only applies to our site. You should always take care when you are moving to another site and read the privacy statements of sites which collect personal information. Big Sky accepts no responsibility or liability for external sites.

4.5 Keeping your data secure

Sending information over the internet is generally not completely secure, and we can’t guarantee the security of your data whilst it is in transit.

We do however have procedures and security features in place to keep your data secure once we receive it.

5. Your Rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you have a right to request the following in regards to your personal data:

  • To access the information which we hold about you.
    • To withdraw your consent
    • To restrict processing
    • To rectification of personal data where there is an error
    • To erase your details from our systems
    • To port your data to another organisation
    • To object to the processing

These rights are not absolute, and in some circumstances, these rights may not apply or there may be an exception to one of these rights. We will clearly explain to you if one of these legal exceptions or exemptions applies.

If you would like to request any of the above or have any other questions or concerns about how we collect, store and otherwise process data please email right2know@S-NORFOLK.GOV.UK

Big Sky’s Data Protection Policy provides further information on these rights. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO):
T) 0303 123 1113

6. Data Controller and Data Regulator

Under Data Protection Legislation Big Sky is a Data Controller, when it makes decisions about the data we process and how this will be processed.

However, in some circumstances, we may use a third party to process our information, who will often be defined under Data Protection Legislation as a Data Processor. An example is where we contract a third party to supply us with system software.

We will always ensure that third parties agree to comply with all relevant Data Protection Legislation and with South Norfolk Council’s policies.

Data Controllers are regulated by the Information Commissioner’s Office who can be contacted at:

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Policy was updated in May 2018 and will be updated again in May 2020 or sooner if there are any changes to Data Protection Legislation or relevant Big Sky policies.